Today when logging into my server, I noticed the kernel was not up to date. After little investigation and an update, I noticed the newer kernel was not starting. So connected a keyboard and monitor and started to investigate further. This one is a little unconventional as this server is kind of a long running one. The harddisk was transplanted from an earlyer system and is started by a grub entry on a newer Ubuntu version on the first disk. So I started out updating that Ubuntu version first (a desktop edition). This made the newer kernel on the server start. After starting the new kernel on the server, I decided to give the server a release upgrade, something I had put off for some time. Seems like a good preparation for the next upcomming Ubuntu LTS, server was still running on 20.04. After the release upgrade, at the reboot started the desktop and did a grub update to reflect the update in the grub menu. The server started fine after, just had to reinstall git and a little update to sudoers.

- Harold de Bruijn